Editorial Guidelines


Possibly the only reason why you may have chosen to read on https://bettingxcasino.com instead of any other platform is because how we write the information, its authenticity and reliability. We take pride to share our editorial guidelines as we share information such as reviews, how to play, promo codes and more.

We provide information across several sports and through our experts, we look to predict the result of matches and regularly share the prediction and tips segment. The other area that we regularly cover on the platform is net worth of several players because that carries a huge interest to our audience. Moreover, whether it’s a game, software provider, how to play on a platform, promo codes, bonuses – we write everything that can serve and help you better.

We want all our players and readers to become more empowered and make good returns on their wager amount. We analyse all the software providers properly before we share that information with our readers. Our in-house experts spend time on the respective platform to make sure that we help you in all possible ways. The editorial process carries no commercial influence.

Further, we do not accept any third-party advertising on the platform. All the content is written fresh and is properly analysed before publishing it for our users to read.


Our Editorial Team

All the writers that work with us are skilled and understand the space well. Read more about us on:

  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Service
  • Responsible Gambling

If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us through contact us page.


Our Editorial Ethics

We look to focus on five important areas

  • Writing Errors Free Articles
  • Writing articles with accuracy
  • Sharing clear information
  • Disclose our sources from where we have taken the news
  • Share Impartial News

We believe it is our duty to focus on the above-mentioned points. Writing error free articles and accurately will help our users read seamlessly while disclosing our sources, sharing clear and impartial information will eventually result in trust building.

Lastly, if you still have any further questions around our editorial guidelines, feel free to reach out to us via contact us page.